Help Needed With Portfolio Decision

Should I go Black and White Only, or not?

When reviewing my portfolio it will become clear that I have quite a preference for black and white images: two thirds of all images are black and white and just less than one third are in color.

Reflecting on this I found that the main reasons for my preference for black and white images are:

  • Since there are no distracting patches of color in the image, there is a better focus on the subject matter;

  • The impact of black and white images is more dependent on the right use of lines, forms, and texture and as a consequence I am (need to be!) more focused on these;

  • Lately I am leaning towards creating more abstract images, which to my opinion have a bigger impact when in black and white;

  • For me it is easier to create a moody feeling in black in white;

  • In general I like the look and feel of black and white images better.

To be honest however, sometimes color just works better. Some subjects need to be viewed in color; sometimes color is key to creating the right emotion and feeling in the image; sometimes color is needed to guide the viewer's attention to the key elements of the image.


Can all color images successfully be converted into black and white? Definitely no. And since I have several color images in my portfolio that I really like, I am not sure yet that I should abandon these.

So here is where I need your help: have a look at the examples below (and if you would like at all pictures in my portfolio) and then let me know what your preference and advice is. Should I go "full black and white" or continue with color images also? Please share your remarks and observations in the comments section at the bottom of this page.